Dr Dhammaratana has acquired much experience in international affairs. Since 1994, he has been working with the United Nations System, mainly at the UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, as an adviser on different projects to promote education, culture, science and communication. As a consultant at the UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, since 1994, Dr Dhammaratana has taken an active role in the following: (1) Implementation of the Universal Ethics Project, Division of Philosophy; (2) as a UNESCO fellow, field research on “Oral Education and Preservation of World Cultural Heritages” (under the UNESCO Ikuo Hirayama Silk Road Fellowship Programme, 1995–1999); (3) as Copy Editor, “History of Humanity, Scientific and Cultural Development, vol. VI, under the supervision of Prof. Peter Mathias, Prof. Nikolai Todorov and the International Scientific Committee, Division of Cultural Pluralism and Inter-Cultural Dialogue, UNESCO Headquarters (2005–2008); (4) as Copy Editor, “History of Humanity, Scientific and Cultural Development, vol. VII, under the supervision of Prof. S. Gopal, Prof. S.L. Tikhvinsky and the International Scientific Committee, Histories Section, Division of Cultural Pluralism and Inter-Cultural Dialogue (2004–2005). He participated in Missions on behalf of UNESCO NGO International Buddhist Community activities in different countries worldwide. He also promoted international Buddhist networks in enhancing Buddhist education in Asia and Europe. As a representative of the international Buddhist community at UNESCO and the United Nations Headquarters in New York, his objective was to input Buddhist philosophical teachings to the United Nations System and the UNESCO programme. Additionally, Dr Dhammaratana has been fully engaged in promoting Buddhist education through international networks of European universities, foundations and research institutes in Easternxxiand Western countries. Moreover, for the last 25 years, he has held different distinguished roles, such as chairperson, vice-chairperson, and executive board member of various international academic, professional, and Buddhist organizations.
Livre publié en l'honneur du Vénérable Dhammaratana